Eduardova maketa Tempesta V je njihova druga avantura na istu temu, ovoj iz 2018 godine prethodila je maketa iz 1997. Ova nova, kako se već i očekuje od omiljene nam Češke firme je odličnog uklapanja i sastavljanje se odvija bez većih problema, potrebno je kao i kod svake Eduardove makete pažlivo uklopiti delove zbog malih toleranci. Jedina zamerka odlazi na ne baš idealno rešen spoj gornje i donje polovine krila, naime kako bi se dobila kao žilet oštra izlazna ivica krila , uklapanje gornje i donje polovine se nalazi sa donje strane i to baš po sredini flapsova !? Potrebno je dosta vremena i nekoliko tura gito-šmirglanja da se to sredi, kako se ne bi primećivalo. Svesni ovog promašaja na narednoj maketi Tempesta II ovaj promašaj su ispravili i spoj krila konvencionalan.
Mašina predstavlja avion RAFovog asa J.P.Clostermann-a nakon završetka rata kada je bio stacioniran u Nemačkoj u vidu okupacionih snaga, ovaj avion inače nije njegov poznati Le grand Charles sa kojim je pre toga imao prinudno sletanje i taj avion je otpisan.
Eduards Tempest V kit is their second adventure on the same theme, this one from 2018 was preceded by a kit from 1997. The new one, as expected from our favorite Czech company, has an excellent fit and assembly goes without major problems, it is necessary as well as with all of Eduard's kits, carefully fit the parts due to small tolerances. Big issue goes to the not-so-ideally solved assembly of the upper and lower half of the wing, in order to get a razor-sharp trailing edge of the wing, the fitting of the upper and lower half is located on the underside, right in the middle of the flaps !? It takes a lot of time and several rounds of putty-sanding to fix it, so that it is not noticeable. Aware of this mistake on the next Tempest II model, Eduard team corrected this mistake and made wing assembly conventional.
The ac represents the plane of RAF ace J.P. Clostermann after the end of the war when he was stationed in Germany in the form of occupation forces, this plane is not his famous Le Grand Charles with which he had an emergency landing before and that plane was written off.
Malo temeljnija priprema farbanja u vidu višebojnog prišedinga, posvetljavanja ivica i stvaranja senki se u kasnim fazama farbanja znatno isplatila dajući izgled istrošenije kamuflaže kakav sam i želeo. Oznake nisam želeo previše da istrošim obzirom da su farbane nakon završetka rata.
Farbanje u potpunosti : Gunze Mr.Hobby set za WW2 RAF .
A little more thorough paint preparation in the form of multi-color preshading, highlights and shadows paid off significantly in the late stages of painting, giving the more weathered camouflage look I wanted. I didn't want to wear the markings too much since they were painted after the war ended.
Paints : Gunze Mr.Hobby WW2 RAF Set.