Jan 12, 2024

Škoda LT vz.35 Bulgarian army 1944


           Sada već vremešna CMKova maketa iz 1996 godine:  Škoda LT vz. 35 uglavnom je vrlo dobrog uklapanja. Potrebno dosta dry fitovanja za idealno uklapanje koje se na kraju sasvim isplati.
Najveća mana na ovoj maketi su gusenice koje se uz malo više pažnje dosta dobro uklapaju ali ih je neophodno montirati tokom sastavljanja a pre farbanja što u mnogo čemu kasnije otežava proces farbanja i ostarevanja  podvoznog dela.

           U Bugarskoj armiji ovaj tenk je ostao u upotrebi čitavu jednu burnu, ratnu deceniju od 1940 do 1950 godine kada je povučen iz upotrebe.
Za Bugarsku verziju ovog tenka odlučio sam se nakon posete Vojnom muzeju u Sofiji gde sam imao priliku da fotografišem restauriram primerak sa zanimljivim natpisima Poduevo i Kočani.
Bugarska krajem 1944 godine sa približavanjem Sovijeta menja stranu, povlači se kao okupatorska sila sa teritorije Makedonije i delova Srbije da bi se  nekoliko nedelja kasnije  vratila u ista područja kao oslobodilačka vojska. Natpisi su mesta koja su tada "oslobođena".

          A bit outdated CMK kit from 1996: Škoda LT vz. 35 is generally a good fit. It takes a lot of dry fitting for an ideal fit which pays off in the end.
The biggest flaw on this kit are tracks, which with a little more care fit quite well, but it is necessary to mount them during assembly and before painting, which in many ways complicates the process of painting and weathering.

            In the Bulgarian army, this tank remained in use for a whole stormy, war decade from 1940 to 1950, when it was withdrawn from service.
I decided on the Bulgarian version of this tank after visiting the Military Museum in Sofia, where I had the opportunity to photograph a restored one with the interesting inscriptions Poduevo and Kočani.
At the end of 1944, with the approach of the Soviet army, Bulgaria changed sides, withdrew as an occupying force from the territory of Macedonia and parts of Serbia, only to return to the same areas as the liberation army a few weeks later. The inscriptions are places that were "liberated" at that time.

Farbanje  i označavanje

            Nakon crnog prajmera maketu sam farbao MrHobby bojom  H32 uz dodatak malo plave uz kasnija dva posvetljavanja sa H27 Tan postigao sam željen izgled izbledele panzer gray a da pri tom izbegnem po meni, tako često pogrešnu:  svetlo-sivo plavičastu boju koja se tako često viđa na urađenim maketama nemačkog oklopa  !?

Painting and markings

             After the black primer, I painted the kit with MrHobby H32 paint with the addition of a little blue, and with the two hihgt layers with H27 Tan, I achieved the desired look of faded panzer gray while avoiding, in my opinion, so often wrong: the light-gray bluish color that is so often seen on German armor kits !?

              Oznake su u potpunosti " home made" ....natpisi Kočani i Podujevo su na osnovu fotografija iscrtani u Corel draw a outline otštampan laserskim štampačem na providnom decal papiru zatim četkicom i belom bojom popunjene su praznine i kasnije zalepljeni kao klasičan dekal. 
Oznake i brojevi na kupoli su ručno sečeni beli dekal papir uz pomoć outline otštampanog laserskim štampačem na belom dekal papiru.

      The markings are completely "home made"....the inscriptions Kočani and Podujevo were drawn based on photos in Corel draw and the outline was printed with a laser printer on transparent decal paper, then the gaps were brush pained and later used as a classic decal.
The X markings and numbers on the turret were hand cut white decal paper with an guide of outline laser printed on white decal paper.