Jan 8, 2024

Aerodinamički konusi na žićaničanim antenama



 Photo source: internet

     Interesantan detalj žičanih antena kod praktično svih varijanti aviona Messerschmitt 109/110 .... su takozvani konusne aerodinamičke obloge izolatora ! U najvećem broju slučajeva maketari ih reprodukuju stavljanjem tačkice super lepka ili belog lepka koji je naravno približniji reprodukovanju samog izolatora.

U nekoliko jednostavnih koraka pokazao sam kako ja to radim.

    An interesting detail of the wire antennas of practically all variants of the Messerschmitt 109/110 aircraft... are the so-called conical aerodynamic insulator covers! In most cases, modelers reproduce them by putting a dot of super glue or white glue, which is of course closer to reproducing the insulator itself. In a few simple steps, I showed how I do it.

     U razmeri 1:48 biće vam potreban stirenski profil  prečnika 1 mm, držač burgije nije neophodan ali u mnogome olakšava manipulaciju sa profilom.n

   For 1:48 scale you will need a styrene profile with a diameter of 1 mm, the drill holder is not necessary but it makes the manipulation of the profile much easier.

Praktično prvi korak je precizno bušenje , jako je važno naći centar a zatim ubušiti rupu burgijom prečnika 0,3 mm, bar 2-3mm u dubinu.

  First step is precise drilling, it is very important to find the center and then drill a hole with a drill with a diameter of 0.3 mm, at least 2-3 mm deep.

   Zatim prelazimo na oblikovanje konusa, tu do izražaja dolazi držač za burgije , 45° ugao i šmirglamo do formiranja konusa bilo bi dobro upotrebiti finiju šmirglu oko 1000 # .

Na kraju ovog koraka gotovo je neophodno malo pročistiti vrh odnosno ranije zabuženu rupicu burgijom koja sigurno zapušena malom količinom prašine od šmirglanja .

   Then we move on to shaping the cone, this is where the drill holder comes into play, 45° angle sanding until the cone is formed, it would be good to use sandpaper around 1000#. At the end of this step, it is almost necessary to clean the tip a little, which must be clogged with a small amount of sanding dust.

      Precizno odsecanje vrha konusa ujedno predstavlja i završni korak u pravljanju ovog interesantnog a često previđenog  detalja .

     Precisely cutting off the top of the cone is the final step in making this interesting yet often overlooked detail.