Dec 26, 2021

Albartos D.V tricycle

          Godina je 1920-ta u novoosnovanoj kraljevini SHS odrzavaju se prve posleratne trke automobila, jedan od učesnika je i ovaj tricikl, napravljen od rashodovanog Albatrosa D.V . Pogonjen originalnim Mercedes morotom od 200 konja, lagane konstrukcije mogao bi biti favorit u trci, problem sa hlađenjem rešen je montiranjem većeg hladnjaka neposredno iza rešetkaste prednje maske ... naravno u pitanju je čista fikcija 😉
           Delovi ovog Eduardovog Albatrosa D.V u 1/48 se odlično uklapaju ... bar oni koje sam upitrebio : trup i motor, svi ostali delovi su  samogradnja .... kompletan trap, blatobrani, bandaži točkova, migavci, farovi, štop svetlo, volan i vetrobran, Gume su zaptivne gumice za vodoinstalacije.
             Efekat drveta je izveden upotrebom airbrush-a i RB ecovanog wood grain šablona farbnjem braon nijanse preko svetlo braon osnovne boje. Šablon je pomeran i svaki panel je farban zasebno kako bi se naglasila šarolikost korišćenje šperploče, razređenji tuševi smeđih nijansi uopotrebljeni su za toniranje nijansi panela, na kraju sloj polusjajnog laka je bukvalno "oživeo" drvo. Trkački brojevi su farbani šablonima.

The year is 1920, the first post-war car races are held in the newly founded kingdom of SCS, and one of the participants is this tricycle, made by the write-off  Albatross D.V.  Powered by an original 200-HP Mercedes engine, lightweight in construction could be a favorite in the race, the cooling problem was solved by mounting a larger radiator directly behind the grille  ... of course it's pure fiction 😉
           Parts of this Eduard's Albatross DV in 1/48 scale fit perfectly ... at least the ones I used: hull and engine, all other parts are scratch .... complete steering, fenders, wheels, turn signals, headlights, tail light, steering wheel and windshield, Tires are sealing rubber for plumbing.
             The wood effect was performed using an airbrush and an RB photo-etched wood grain stencil by painting a brown shade over a light brown base color. The stencil was shifted and each panel was painted separately to emphasize the variety of plywood use, diluted water based inks of brown shades were used to tint the panel shades, and finally a layer of semi-gloss varnish literally "revived" the wood. Racing numbers are painted with masks.