Jan 10, 2022

Spitfire Mk.I early


     Eduardova maketa Spitfire Mk.I u 1/48 razmeri svoju premijeru doživela je Avgusta 2020 godine, kao veliki zaljubljenik u rane verzije Spitfajera nabavio sam je u prvom izdanju u " The Few " dual combo kutiji. Maketa pretstavlja još jedan kvalitativni napredak Eduarda, posvećenost detaljima sa posebnom pažnjom na one rane primerke prve serije, tu je i odlično detaljisan kokpit sa vec oprobanim sistemom konstrukcije i uklapanja na njihovom Mk. IX.
     Uklapanje je odlično i bez većih problema, potrebno je ipak (kao i kod svake Eduardove makete)  pažlivo uklopiti delove zbog malih toleranci, mala greska u jednom koraku može se prilično zakomplikovati u narednim koracima uklapanja. Na maketi sam dodao prednji nišan od medicinskih igala i uradio sam efekat platna na komandnim površinama - ovom tehnikom.
      Dekali su zanimljiv pokušaj Eduarda da uradi dekale poput HGW-a i ako su tvrdili da im to nije bila namera mislim da to nije sasvim iskreno. Bilo je potrebo više nego dosta pažnje da se noseći film dekala skine a da pri tom ne povuče i deo dekala sa sobom upropaštavajući vam dan, ipak efekat je na kraju fenomenalan a kada Eduard konačno usavrši tehniku pravljenja novih dekala koje "nije nameravao da napravi" biće to još jedan kvalitativni skok za njih ! 
       Odavno sam želeo da u kolekciji imam i rani Mk.I Spitfire pa sam odabrao ovaj iz 41. skvadrona sa proleća 1939 godine. Farbanje kao i obično Gunze-konza bojama po standardu za ovaj period. Obzirom da pretstavlja skoro pa novu, predratnu mašinu nisam želeo da ga previše prljam i istrošim stoga nema guljenja poklopaca mitraljeza, barutne gareži oko otvora mitraljeza, možda sam se malo zaneo sa guljenjem boje na gaznim površinama u korenu levog krila .


     Eduard's kit Spitfire Mk.I in 1/48 scale had its premiere in August 2020, as a big fan of early versions of Spitfire, I got it in the first edition in "The Few" dual combo box. The kit represents another great product of Eduard, attention to detail with special attention to those early examples of the first series, there is also a well-detailed cockpit with a tried and tested system of construction and fitting on their Mk. IX.
     The fit is excellent and without major problems, but it is necessary (as with each Eduard kit) to carefully fit the parts due to small tolerances, a small mistake in one step can be quite complicated in the next steps of fitting. I added a front sight made of medical needles on the models and I did the canvas effect on the command surfaces - using this technique.
      Decals are an interesting attempt by Eduard to make decals like HGW and even if they claimed that it was not their intention I think it is not quite honest. It took more than a lot of attention to take off the decal film without taking part of the decal with it and  ruining your day in process, but the effects are phenomenal in the end, and when Eduard finally perfects the technique of making new decals which "they didn't intend to make" it will be another qualitative leap for them !
       I have long wanted to have an early Mk.I Spitfire in my collection, so I chose this one from the SQ.41 from the spring of 1939. Painting as usual Gunze paints according to the standard for this period. Since it is almost a new, pre-war machine, I didn't want to weather it much, so there is no peeling of machine gun covers, gunpowder soot around the machine gun opening, maybe I got a little carried away with peeling paint at the root of the starboard wing.