Eduardova maketa iz 2013 godine je maketa koja je nastala nakon serije odličnih Me109E i G kitova, još boljeg kvaliteta izrade i lakoće sastavljanja, učvrstila je Eduardovo mesto u samom vrhu svetske maketarske industrije.
Maketa je odličnog uklapanja, obogaćena je posebno kupljenim ecovanim setom iz Profipack kutije kao i Brassin rezinskim poklopcem kapotaža. Set dekala je Lifthere proizvodnje odličnog kvaliteta.
Nakon intenzivnog preeshading-a maketa je farbana mesanjem više Gunze nijansi sive i plave kako bi se dobile boje potrebne za farbanje aviona vazduhoplovstva JA iz perioda 1950tih.
Prema podatcima iz knjige "Spitfajer" autora A.Kolo maketa pretstavlja jedan od ukupno 3 primerka Spitfajera Mk.IX korišćenih u JRV, pripadao je izviđačkom puku baziranom u Mostaru a rashodovan je Avgusta 1952 godine.
Eduard's kit from 2013 is a kit that was created after a series of excellent Me109E and G kits, with even better quality and ease of assembly, has strengthened Eduard's place at the very top of the world's model industry.
The kit have a great fit, I'v added PE-set from the Profipack box as well as a Brassin resin engine cover. Decals are made by Lifthere - excellent quality.
After intensive pre-shading, the kit was painted by mixing several Gunze shades of gray and blue to obtain the colors needed to paint Yugoslav Army AF aircraft from the 1950s.
According to the data from the book "Spitfire" by A. Kolo, the kit represents one of a total of 3 of the Spitfire Mk.IX used in JRV, it belonged to the reconnaissance regiment based in Mostar and was withdrawn from service in August 1952.