Except for some scratch built parts, I had used set from the Master company No.48-136, which contains brass machine gun barrels, a pitot tube and external gun sights, which significantly improve the final appearance of the model.
I decided to finish kit as an aircraft from the 112 Sq. based in Egypt flown by Neville F. Duke ace with 26 credited victories. The paints are standard Mr.Hobby for the desert: Dark earth/Mid stone and Azure blue.
Masku za kodno slovo iscrtao sam na Tamiya papiru i napravio šablon a serijski broj aviona nacrtao u Corel Draw a zatim štampao na dekal papiru crnobelom laserskim štampačem. Ostatak dekala je iz kutije i vrlo dobro su legli na površinu makete a dekal ajkulinih usta je neočekivano dobro legao.
I'v made airbrush template for the code letter on Tamiya paper, as for aircraft serial number Iv made it in Corel Draw and then printed on decal paper with a b/w laser printer. The rest of the decals are from the box and they fit very well on the surface the shark mouth decal fit was unexpectedly well.
Poziciona svetla napravio sam od zagrejane plastike u boji utiskivajući u prethodno napravljen šablon na drvenoj daščici (ovom tehnikom).
I made the position lights from heated cocktail sticks by pressing it into a previously made template on a wooden stick (using this technique).