Airfixova maketa aviona P-40 u RAF upotrebi poznatijeg kao Tomahawk Mk.II je maketa proizvedena 2016/17 godine.
Zadovoljavajućeg uklapanja i nivoa detalja ali u odnosu na konkurenciju iz tog perioda bez dileme zaostaje. Zahvaljujući dobrim crtežima : "WINGS OF PEGASUS" u razmeri cela maketa je rivetirana, urezano je nekoliko nedostajućih panel linija i servisnih otvora, stepenik koji se nalazi u korenu krila do trupa trebalo je da predstavlja gaznu površinu na pravom avionu ne postoji pa sam ga u potpunosti uklonio. Izbušene su rupe auspuha, simulirana je tekstura platna na komandnim površinama . Najproblematičnije je bilo uklapanje kapotaža motora koji ima prilično čudan rasklop ali uz malo više pažnje i malo gita sve je dovedeno u red. Kutije je stajnog trapa takođe zahtevaju malo pažnje i obrade.
Airfix kitof the P-40 aircraft in RAF use, better known as the Tomahawk Mk.II, is a model produced in 2016/17.
Satisfactory fit and level of detail, but in comparison to the competition from same period, it falls behind without a doubt. Thanks to the good drawings: "WINGS OF PEGASUS" in scale the entire model is riveted, several missing panel lines and service holes are rescribed , the step located at the root of the wing to the fuselage was supposed to represent the tread surface on the real plane does not exist so I completely removed it. Exhaust holes were drilled, canvas texture was simulated on the control surfaces. The most problematic part was the fitting of the engine fairing, which has a rather strange layout, but with a little more attention and a bit of putty everything was sorted. The landing gear boxes also require some attention and sanding.
Priprema za farbanje u vidu preshadinga je urađena uz pomoć Uschi PE šablona i komplementarnim bojama kamuflaži nakon toga preeshading panela a highlight belom.
Preparation for painting in the form of preshading was done with the help of Uschi PE templates and complementary camouflage colors, after that preshading panel lines and highlights in white.
Odlučio sam se za avion iz sastava 112 Sq. baziranog u Egiptu na kome je leteo Nevil F.Duke as sa 26 priznatih pobeda. Boje su standardne Mr.Hobby za pustinju : Dark earth/ Mid stone i Azure blue.
I decided to finish kit as an aircraft from the 112 Sq. based in Egypt flown by Neville F. Duke ace with 26 credited victories. The paints are standard Mr.Hobby for the desert: Dark earth/Mid stone and Azure blue.
Napravio sam šablon za kodno slovo " F " Poziciona svetla napravio sam od zagrejane plastike u boji utiskivajući u prethodno napravljen šablon na drvenoj daščici (ovom tehnikom).
I´v made a airbrush template for the code letter " F " . Also made the position lights from heated cocktail sticks by pressing it into a previously made template on a wooden stick (using this technique).