Na skorašnjem Novogodišnjem kupu kupio sam komplet dekala u razmeri 1/48 a od Britanskog proizvođača AIMS i veoma interesantnu šemu farbanja za Bf-109 E-4 iz JG 54 koji se nalazio na aerodromu Pančevo kod Beograda ubrzo nakon nemačke invazije na Jugoslaviju i njene kapitulacije.
Šema farbanja je veoma atraktivna sa oznakama balkanske kampanje sa dosta žuto ofarbanih površina.
Nisam gubio vreme i uzeo sam Eduardovu kutiju "overtree" koja je idealna za ovaj posao.
I have recently purchased decal set in 1/48 scale a from UK producer AIMS and very interesting painting scheme for Bf 109 E4 from JG 54 which was located in Pančevo airfield near Belgrade shortly after German invasion Yugoslavia and it's capitulation.
Painting scheme is very interesting with Balkan campaign markings with a lots of yellow painted surfaces.
I didn't waist the time and pul out Eduard overtree box which was ideal for this job.

I didn't waist the time and pul out Eduard overtree box which was ideal for this job.

Koristio sam Maketar maske za farbanje oznaka , neko vreme planiram da ne nanosim masku direktno na model već da koristim providni dekal papir od Tango papa koji je izuzetno tanak. Ovaj način i ako deluje suvišan, malo je opušteniji jer nema brige o pravilnom pozicioniranju maske na maketu kao i korist od manje manipulacije maketom pri radu sa maskama. Na kraju vrlo sam zadovoljan rezulztatima .
I have used Maketar painting mask and for sometime I plan not to apply mask on model directly but use clear decal paper from Tango papa which is extremely thin. I found this way to be more relaxing because there no worries about correct positioning of the painting mask on model and the benefit of less manipulation with the same model while applying it , I am very satisfied with the end result.