Jul 21, 2023

4 hour built challenge - Tamiya Renault R35




       Renault R35 je Francuski tenk iz perioda 1930tih godina, 50 vozila ovog tipa nalazio se i u naoružanju vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije.

        Gledajući plastiku ove Tamiya makete skorašnje proizvodnje iz 2019 god. razmišljao sam koje bi minimalno vreme bilo potrebno za njeno sastavljanje ? Tako zadao sam sebi izazov od 4 sata za kompletno sastavljanje izuzev, delova/podsklopova koji kasnije ne bi remetili proces farbanja : gusenice i deo podvoza.

Renault R35 is a French tank from the 1930s, 50 vehicles of this type were in the armament of the army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

         Looking at the plastic of this recent 2019 Tamiya model. I was thinking, what would be the minimum time needed to assemble it? So I set myself a challenge of 4 hours for complete assembly except for the parts/subassemblies that would not interfere the painting process later: tracks and part of the undercarriage.

                 Prvih 60 minuta, uklapanje ide odlično, upravo onako kako se očekuje od Tamiya makete. Prvih nekoliko koraka daje veliki napredak, kratka pauza za fotografisanje i započinjem drugi sat sklapanja.

       For the first 60 minutes, the fit is excellent, exactly as expected from a Tamiya kit. The first few steps make great progress, a short photo break and I begin the second hour of assembly.

                  Stanje nakon drugog sata .... kvalitet delova i uklapanje je takavo da se sastavlja bez test fitovanja, ponegde je potrebno malo šmirglanja da ukloni linije razdvajanja kalupa, do isteka drugog sata sastavljan je veći deo tela tenka i kompletan podvoz.

       Situation after the second hour .... the quality of the parts and the fit is such that it can be assembled without a test fit, some sanding is needed to remove the parting lines of the mold, by the end of the second hour most of the tank body and the complete undercarriage have been assembled.

                      Treći sat protiče većim delom u sastavljanju gusenica koje su većinom iz profilisanih segmenta a manji link by link. Umnogome sastavljene olakšava i štampani šablon na sastavnici koji kada se tačno postavi sve odlično leži ....ipak oduzima dosta vremena tako da na kraju trećeg sata postaje prilično neizvesno da li će izazov biti ispunjen.... polako raste napetost !

Uključujem štopericu ubacujem u "5 brzinu" i počinje finalni, četvrti sat !

        The third hour is mostly spent assembling the tracks, which are mostly from profiled segments, and a smaller part are link by link. The printed template in instructions makes it much easier to assemble, when it is placed correctly, everything fits perfectly....however, it takes a lot of time, so at the end of the third hour, it becomes quite uncertain whether the challenge will be met....slowly the tension grows!

I turn on the stopwatch, put it in "5th gear" and the final, fourth hour begins!



                        Istekao je i poslednji, 4. sat..... zaustavljam štopericu i ovo je situacija na radnom stolu nakon četiri sata kontinuiranog sastavljanja !

Sada to je zvanično neuspeh, priznajem poraz....gledajući sastavnicu , ostala su još tri koraka koji su uglavnom sastavljanje kupole i topa.

Vreme je za pauzu i pivo ili dva ....

         The last, 4th hour has also expired..... I stop the stopwatch and this is the situation on the work bench after four hours of continuous assembly!

Well it's officially a failure, I admit defeat....looking at the component, there are three more steps left, which are mainly assembling the turret and cannon.

Its time for a break and a beer or two....

              Nakon : 5 sati i 20 minuta...Renault R35 je sastavljen !

     U ovo vreme je uračunato i prilagođavanje vizira na kupoli, delova sa Heller makete kako bi se dobila odgovarajuća verzija .

     Posle svega .... mogu reći bio je to jedan vrlo zanimljiv projekat u poslednjih sat i vrlo napet imajući obzira da sam sastavljao praktično bez pauze 4 sata u kontinuitetu. Na kraju dana , umoran ali vrlo zadovoljan a to je naposletku ono što se računa u ovom hobiju !

      After: 5 hours and 20 minutes...Renault R35 kit is finished !

      Adjusting of the visor parts from Heller on the turretin order to obtain a suitable version, was also taken into account. 

      After all ... I can say that it was a very interesting project in the last hour and very tense considering that I was working practically without a break for 4 hours continuously. At the end of the day, tired but very satisfied, and that is afterall what counts in this hobby !