Jul 8, 2023

Corrugated tin

 Skoro sam nabavio ovu spravicu sa Aliexpressa, jedna od onih koja je ima potpuno drugačiju namenu ali može se primeniti u maketarskoj praksi prilično uspešno.

I had recently purchased this gadget from Aliexpres, one of those that has a completely different purpose but can be used in our hobby  quite successfully.

    Odlično savija lim od pivskih limenki kao i onaj tanji od Nesscaffe. Razmera je ok za 1/35 ali može da prođe i za veće - manje razmere.

             It bends perfectly the tin of beer cans as well as the thin one from Nesscaffe tin seal. The scale is rather ok for 1/35, but it can also be used for larger - smaller scales.

    Što je lim deblji nabori su manje špicasti i dobijaju zaobljeniji izgled.

   The thicker the sheet, the folds get a more rounded look. Note the difference between thinner foil sheet  and rounded end on thicker sheet below.

I za kraj ..... Youtube video demonstration.