Sep 8, 2024

AR-55 Kampanjola



     Zastava AR-55  je terensko vozilo sa pogonom na sva četiri točka, četvorocilindričnim motorom zapremine 1900 kubika sa relativno skromnih 55 konjskih snaga. AR -55 u trupi je bila poznata kao Kampanjola ili Aerka,  po Fijatovoj licenci proizvodila ju je  fabrika Zastava iz Kragujevca. Proizvodnja je trajala od 1954 do 1974. godine. Smatra se da je proizvedeno ukupno 9089 primeraka i to u šest varijanti : lako komandno-štabno vozilo, sanitetsko vozilo, vozilo za transport sredstava veze, pokretna radionica, vozilo-laboratorija RHB izviđanje i vojno-policijski automobil. 

    The Zastava AR-55 is an off-road vehicle with four-wheel drive, a four-cylinder engine with a volume of 1900 cc and a relatively modest 55 horsepower. The AR-55 in the troop was known as Campagnola or Aerka, it was produced under Fiat's license by the Zastava factory from Kragujevac. Production lasted from 1954 to 1974. It is believed that a total of 9,089 examples were produced in six variants: a light command and staff vehicle, an ambulance vehicle, a vehicle for the transport of communications equipment, a mobile workshop, a RHB reconnaissance vehicle-laboratory and a military-police car.


   Iz maketarskog ugla gledano prazninu na tržištu popunila je Slovenačka firma Triglav model koja je ovu maketu izbacila na tržište 2021 godine. Maketa je u vidu 3D print izdanja i to u tri kutije : sanitetska, za vezu i za opšte namene.
 Pogodnosti korišćenja savremene 3D tehnologije ogledaju se i u tome da se ova maketa štampa i prodaje u nekoliko razmera: 1/160, 87, 72, 43, 48, 35 i 24 !

   Maketa predstavlja klasičan multimedijalni kit uz većinu 3D printanih delova u kutiji se još nalazi : ecovani set, prozirna folija za stakla bakarna žica kao i jedan set dekala sa zavidnim brojem opcija. 

From a modelers point of view, the gap in the market was filled by the Slovenian company Triglav Model, which launched this kit on the market in 2021. The kit is in the form of a 3D print edition in three boxes: medical, communication and general purpose.
 The convenience of using modern 3D technology is reflected in the fact that this model is printed and sold in several scales: 1/160, 87, 72, 43, 48, 35 and 24!

 The kit is a classic multimedia with most of the 3D printed parts plus: an photo-etched set, a transparent glass foil, copper wire and a set of decals with more than few options.

    Što se same štampe većih delova tiče, poput karoserije i šasije na njima se mogu videti znaci malo grubljeg štampanja sa karakterističnim naborima te će na ovim delovima zasigurno biti potrebna obrada pre sastavljanja. Nasuprot njima veći broj manjih delova je odštampan dosta kvalitetno i bez vidljive štampe. 

  As for the printing of larger parts, such as the body and chassis, you can see signs of a slightly rougher printing with characteristic print marks, and these parts will definitely need sabding before assembly. In contrast to them, a larger number of smaller parts were printed with high quality and without visible printing marks.

    Dvojezično uputstvo je konvencionalnog tipa sa jasnim 3D render slikama iskorišćenim za sastavnicu uz to obogaćeno sa dosta originalnih fotografija u boji te dodatnim tips & tricks napomenama za upotrebu delova i lakše sastavljanje.

  The bilingual assembly is of a conventional type with clear 3D render images with a lots of original color photos and additional tips & tricks notes for the use of parts and easier assembly.

    Za maketarske JNA entuzijaste ova maketa predstavlja jedan od nezaobilaznih primeraka u priličnoj kolekciji tehnike koja se nalazila u arsenalu JNA  ili se još uvek nalazi u upotrebi u vojskama država sa teritorije bivše SFRJ.

    For JNA enthusiast modelers , this kit is one of the nice examples in the considerable collection of equipment that was in the arsenal of the JNA or is still in use in the armies of countries from the territory of the former Yugoslavia .