Mar 10, 2022

A6M2 Zero

     A6M2  Zero je najnovija Eduardova maketa u razmeri 1/48, kao što je već postalo tradicija prvo izdanje svake nove makete je dual combo, pod nazivom : " TORA TORA TORA ". Maketa pretstavlja još jednu kvalitetnu repliku ovog elegantnog aviona. Posvećenost detaljima je na izuzetnom nivou sa odlično detaljisanim kokpitom koji brojem plastičnih i ecovanih delova pretstavlja maketu za sebe. Sastavljanje oplate motora sa priloženim šablonom pretstavlja zanimljivo iskustvo a spojevi su uz malo pažnje besprekorni.
     Uklapanje je odlično i bez većih problema, potrebno je kao i kod svake Eduardove makete pažlivo uklopiti delove zbog malih toleranci, mala greska u jednom koraku može se prilično zakomplikovati u narednim koracima uklapanja. Jedina zamerka odlazi na ne baš idealno definisano uklapanje nogu stajnog trapa koje sam morao da popravljam i učvrstim super lepkom.
      Što se pred-farbanja tiče držao sam se mog standarda sa pre-shadingom a obzirom da se radilo o jednobojnoj šemi odlučio sam se i za naglašavanje panela sa povećavanjem kontrasta belom bojom, Tu sam, ne slušajući instinkt umesto Gunze off white upotrebio  čisto belu boju pa je za ublažavanje takvog kontrasta trebalo bar 2-3 sloja boje više. Za farbanje sam upotrebio Tamiya XF12. Naglašavanje panela i zakivaka je po prvi put urađeno sa komercijalnom Mig panel line wash hemijom a senke/svetline i nešto malo prljavštine iz auspuha slikarskim uljanim bojama.

     Zahvaljujem Eduardu na primerku makete za ovu built recenziju !


The A6M2 Zero is Eduard's latest 1/48 scale model, as it has become a tradition that the first edition of each new model is a dual combo, this one entitled: "TORA TORA TORA". The model is another high quality replica of this elegant aircraft. The attention to detail is at an exceptional level with a well-detailed cockpit that represents a model for itself with the number of plastic and PE parts. Assembling the engine cowling with the template is an interesting and easy experience and the joints are flawless with a little care.
     The overall fit is excellent and without major problems, it is necessary, as with every Eduard model, to carefully fit the parts due to small tolerances, a small mistake in one step can be quite complicated in the next steps of assembly. The only remark goes to the not very ideally defined fit of the landing gear, which I had to fix and fasten with super glue.
      As for pre-painting, I did my standard with pre-shading, and since it was a one-color scheme, I decided to emphasize the panels with increased contrast in white. so at least 2-3 more coats of paint were needed to soften such a contrast. I used Tamiya XF12 for painting. Panel lines and rivets was done for the first time with commercial Mig panel line wash products, and shadows / highlights and a little dirt from the exhaust with artistic oils.

     Thanks to Eduard for a copy of the model for this built review!