Spitfire Mk.Vb, Tamiya 1/48
Dobro poznata maketa legendarnog Spitfajera od Tamiya-e pretstavlja njihov klasično kvalitetan proizvod. Odlično uklapanje spojeno sa srazmerno malim brojem kvalitetno odlivenih delova čini rad na ovoj maketi pravim uživanjem.
Urađeno je kompletno rivetiranje a nekoliko sitnih dorada u vidu obogaćivanja kokpita ecovanom instrument tablom i pojasevima te bušenje rupa auspuha i dodavanje mitraljeza od medicinskih igala pretstavljaju jedine dorade.
Maketa je obogaćena Master mesinganim setom topova i Eduard Brassin rezinskim setom podtrupnog nosača i bombe.
Avion :
Pretstavlja letelicu 352og Jugoslovenskog skvadrona RAF-a.
Za ovu varijantu farbanja odlučio sam se iz nekoliko razloga, u pitanju je varijanta Vb (crtež u knjizi Spitfajer - A.Kolo pogrešno označen sa Vc, potvrđeno uvidom u domaći i britanski registar serijskih brojeva ) što je značilo da avion mogu raditi OOB, drugi razlog je interesantna kombinacija kontinentalne šeme farbanja DG/OG na gornjim a tropske AzB na donjim površinama sa centralnim nosačem bombe.
Treći ali ne i najmanje bitan: 31. Avgusta 1944 godine pilot Aleksandar Vuković je sa ostrva Vis poleteo na svoj poslednji zadatak oboren je vatrom sa zemlje a avion je pao u okolini Suhog Dolca u Hrvatskoj, stoga ovaj avion pretstavlja prvi operativni gubitak 352.Sq
koristio sam u potpunosti Gunze-konza boje po standardu za taj period rata. Rondele na gornjaci su farbane uz pomoć Aeropoxy vinil maski, kodno slovo K uz pomoć pravljenog šablona, serijski broj je štampan laserskim štampačem na dekal papiru a ostatak oznaka su BlueRider dekali.
Spitfire Mk.Vb, Tamiya 1/48
Well-known scale model of the legendary Spitfire Mk.Vb from Tamiya represents their usually high quality product : excellent fit coupled with small number of parts with nice details. Assembly of this model is a real pleasure .
PE cockpit instrument panel,and seat belts were added, also I did complete riveting
The kit was upgraded with Master set of brass cannons and Eduard Brassin bomb set .
Aeroplane :
Represents aircraft from 352nd Yugoslav Squadron of RAF.
For this painting option I decided for several reasons: it is a Mark Vb which meant that the aircraft can be done OOB, other reason is an interesting combination of continental paint schemes DG / OG on the upper and tropical AZB on the lower surfaces.
Third but not least important: pilot Aleksandar Vukovic who took off from the island of Vis on 31 August 1944 was shot down by fire from the ground and the plane crushed around Suhi Dolac in Croatia, therefore, this plane represents the first operational loss of 352.Sq
Painting and marking :
I used Gunze paints. Roundels on upper wings was painted using paint masks from AEROPOXY, I made paper template for a/c kode letter K, and serial number is printed using a laser printer on clear decal paper, rest of decals are made by BlueRider decals.
Spitfire Mk.Vb, Tamiya 1/48
Well-known scale model of the legendary Spitfire Mk.Vb from Tamiya represents their usually high quality product : excellent fit coupled with small number of parts with nice details. Assembly of this model is a real pleasure .
PE cockpit instrument panel,and seat belts were added, also I did complete riveting
The kit was upgraded with Master set of brass cannons and Eduard Brassin bomb set .
Aeroplane :
Represents aircraft from 352nd Yugoslav Squadron of RAF.
For this painting option I decided for several reasons: it is a Mark Vb which meant that the aircraft can be done OOB, other reason is an interesting combination of continental paint schemes DG / OG on the upper and tropical AZB on the lower surfaces.
Third but not least important: pilot Aleksandar Vukovic who took off from the island of Vis on 31 August 1944 was shot down by fire from the ground and the plane crushed around Suhi Dolac in Croatia, therefore, this plane represents the first operational loss of 352.Sq
Painting and marking :
I used Gunze paints. Roundels on upper wings was painted using paint masks from AEROPOXY, I made paper template for a/c kode letter K, and serial number is printed using a laser printer on clear decal paper, rest of decals are made by BlueRider decals.