Na postojeće stanje sam se nadovezao utrljavanjem čeličnog/ gun metal praha uz pomoć ove "četkiice" sa gumenim vrhom, idealna je za ovakve zadatke. Povrsina bi trebalo da bude mat. Poliranje vatom ili pamučnom krpicom uglačava površinu i skida višak metalnog pigmenta.
I followed up on the existing condition by rubbing steel / gun metal powder with the help of this "brush" with a rubber tip, it is ideal for such tasks. The surface should be matte. Polishing with cotton wool or a cotton cloth polish the surface and removes excess metal pigment.
Sada sledi praktično najvažniji korak, za to je potrebna tuš boja . Tuš je odabran zbog njegove polu-transparentnosi i mogučnosti da se sa nekoliko slojeva postigne tamnija nijansa ali i dobije efekat " dubine ".
Koristio sam razređeni oker , braon ili tamno braon nijansu u jednom , 2 ili 3 sloja u zavisnosti od efekta koji vam je cilj. Potrebno je napraviti pauzu izmeću svakog sloja od bar 5 minuta. Ovo je klasična filter tehnika i verovatno je moguće postići zadovoljavajući efekat i sa razređenim akrilima umesto tuša .
Well now follows practically the most important step, for that you need ink paint. The inks were chosen because of their semi-transparency and the ability to achieve a darker shade with a few layers, but also get the effect of "depth".
I used diluted ocher, brown or dark brown shade in one, 2 or 3 layers depending on the effect you are aiming for. It is necessary to take a break between each layer of at least 5 minutes. This is a classic filter technique and it is probably possible to achieve a satisfactory effect even with diluted acrylics instead of ink.
Krajnji rezultat nakon što su zazori i otvori auspuha su dobili crni wash .
Final result after the gaps and exhaust vents received a layer of black wash.