Na skorašnjem projektu imao sam problem sa zamagljenom kabinom. Preskočio sam sve do sada korišćene korake i prešao direktno na najfiniju taminu pastu za poliranje.
On a recent project I had an issue with a foggy cabin. I skipped all the steps used so far and went straight to Tamiya's finest polishing paste.

Nakon prve etape poliranja sa spoljašnje i unutrašnje strane u trajanju od par minuta rezultat je već primetno bio bolji, zatim sam ceo postupak ponovio još jednom .
After the first stage of polishing from the outside and inside for a few minutes, the result was already noticeably better, then I repeated the whole procedure once more.

Temeljno sam oprao kabinu pomoć detečnog deterdženta i mlake vode , a nakon toga bilo je vreme za poslednji i jednako važan postupak .... sloj FUTURE nanešen je četkicom prvo sa jedne a zatim nakon sušenja i sa unutrašnje strane kabine , rezultat je više nego zadovoljavajući.
I thoroughly washed the cabin with the help of liquid detergent and lukewarm water, and after that it was time for the last and equally important procedure... the FUTURE layer was applied with a brush first on one side and then, after drying, on the inside of the cabin, the result is more than satisfactory .